• Datum

    24 - 28Oct

  • Tijdstip

    10:00-11:30 & 15:00-16:30

  • Locatie

    Leidingstraat 203, 5617 AJ Eindhoven

  • Regio


Using game play to encourage teams to discover, learn and generate new ideas that can solve a variety of sustainability challenges.

BossUP! is a fun and easy to play game in both print and mobile formats. It is designed to break through intrenched organisational mindsets by creating a safe space for new ideas and conversations to take place between teams. The Circular Edition was co-created with the Circle Economy Foundation.
Serious game play as a means to create impact. We believe BossUp! has the power to break barriers by creating a safe and fun space for teams to engage together uninhibited by professional decorum.

It is a creative and innovative tool for teams across all functions to spark ideas and conversations that may otherwise never occur. With the success of the original BossUP! which focused on general large organisational challenges (think ‘I am overloaded with too much paperwork’), for this edition we used the same gamification framework to draw focus to the cause at the heart of our work— Planet-centricity and Circularity.

We’ve seen organisations on the ground struggle with taking the first steps towards circular and sustainable transformation, and this inspired us to create a new version in partnership with Circle Economy Foundation— BossUP! Circular Edition.

Launched in 2022, this edition features a brand new set of Challenge and Trigger cards that mirror the issues and obstacles faced in circularity and sustainability today.

Practical info:
Location: Tea Stories, Strijp S
Date & Time 24 – 28 October, twice a day between: 10:00-11:30 & 15:00-16:30
Entrance: Free

About Chemistry Team
Chemistry is an independent, B-Corp Certified strategic design consultancy based in Singapore and Amsterdam. Established in 2000 with the belief that great ideas come from the synergy of people, we bring together a diverse and multi-talented team of innovators and designers. We are conscious of the impact we create, for communities, organisations and the planet. Our expertise has been helping companies from a broad range of industries find breakthroughs to complex systemic challenges.


Text & bron: Chemistry Team & www.ddw.nl


Ook dit jaar zijn er op de Dutch Design Week weer vele presentaties en projecten te spotten rondom het thema Circular Design. Vanuit BNO's COco hebben we een speciale tour samengesteld langs verschillende exposities en events. Dus, jezelf onderdompelen in Circular Design? COco tipt!: BossUP! – Gamifying Circular Design.

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